Thursday 6 December 2012

Personal Training Toronto

Now a day’s fitness is a big issue to everybody. In our busy schedule we are getting very less time to look after our health. For this reason we the personal trainer in Toronto will keep you fit in that less period of time. After working with us you will realize that Elite Personal Training Toronto is the best Toronto personal training center. Alex Cristiano is the best Toronto personal trainer who will help you to achieve the fitness goal. For more details you can visit our website at www.
Selection of fitness trainer is too much important, rather selecting training center. Many times you will see fitness trainers are drinking coffee with their clients at the workout, which is unacceptable. A professional trainer will never compromise the health of his/her clients. You may also observe somewhere the fitness trainer has a bit of pot bellied them. If they have not time to lose 10 to 20 ponds extra fats from their belly, then they are not capable to make you fit. But in Elite Personal Trainer in Toronto, you will face such situation. Alex Cristiano is a professional Toronto personal trainer who will give real value to your time and money. 


  1. Hi...Undoubtedly this is a very useful content to take a personal training to stay fit & healthy.

  2. You are right, a personal trainer can help you to maintain your health. Personal trainers take care about your health and proper nutrition.Toronto fitness trainer


    Lets face it, many of us eat food we know is not good for us. We deliberately ingest things that are too acidic, too carcinogenic - and then later in life we get cancer... and we may die from the cancer unless we manage to change our lifestyle and our diet quickly enough.

    In truth the average human has cancer 40 times their lifetime. The difference is that the human immune system usually fights it off.

    But as we get older, and our body deteriorates we start to fall apart. Our immune system isn't as tough as it once was - and worse - we are poisoning our immune system by deliberating eating foods we know are bad for us. Acidic foods. Foods high in bacteria. Foods containing known carcinogens.

    Living longer is a challenge. It means we have to eat properly. Now I don't mean you need to start eating like a vegan or a vegetarian. I am not suggesting that at all.

    But I am recommending that people BALANCE their diet. That they take control of their dieting methodology and try to eat healthier things by avoiding processed meats (spam, bologna, wieners, sausages, etc), and eating meats you know where they came from. The same goes with the other things you are eating. If you don't know how it is made and it contains a whack load of strange chemicals then you probably should not be eating it.

    I do recommend eating more green veggies too. Green veggies are high in alkaline and alkaline is the bane of cancer. Acids, bacteria in meat, carcinogenic chemicals are going to make you sick. Alkaline chemicals neutralize the acid and make you feel healthy.

    Don't believe me? Just Google the words cancer and alkaline and see all the research into the topic.

    And if you can it wouldn't hurt if you exercised more often too. Cardio or weightlifting or stretching or yoga. Whatever suits your fancy.


    Charles Moffat
    Toronto Personal Trainer
